From April 20 to 29
The Provincial Superior, with the consent of his Council,
may convene a Provincial Assembly,
bringing together either the entire membership of the Province or its representatives.
Its task is to reflect on the state of the Province and to formulate
guidelines and plans of action (CICM Constitutions, Art. 90)
The CICM Province of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) held its Provincial Assembly from April 20 to 29. Msgr. Philibert Tembo Nlandu, C. I. C. M., Bishop of Budjala (DR Congo), facilitated the Assembly at Casa Arquidiocesana María de la Altagracia, Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic.
To carry on the mission entrusted to CICM in Latin America and the Caribbean, the delegates to the 2022 Provincial Assembly defined the following missionary priorities:
The Migrants
Lay Formation
Youth Ministry
Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation
In preparation for the 16th CICM General Chapter in Rome, Italy, at the Centro Ad Gentes from June 4 to 30, 2023, the LAC Provincial Assembly also elected the delegates and the substitutes.
Márcio Flávio Martins, Superior Provincial, ex-officio delegate
Anaclet Mukendi Mpunga, elected delegate
Hendrikus Hardum, elected delegate
Wilson De Jesus Medes, elected delegate
Angel Vidal Ludan, the first substitute
Jospin Wetunu Gbamosapa, the second substitute
Charitable Dérisseau, the third substitute
Confreres who have the right and duty to attend the General Chapter are:
a) by right of their office:
- the Superior General and his Councilors;
- the Superiors of the Provinces and Autonomous Districts which have at least twenty members on the date of the convocation of the Chapter;
b) by right of their election:
the delegates elected by their Province or Autonomous District;
c) by right of an appointment:
a maximum of three confreres whom the Superior General, with the consent of his Council, can appoint.(CICM Constitutions, Art. 113)