Hope for Increased Collaboration

Hope for Increased Collaboration

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armando romeroArmando Romero, cicm
Missionary in Japan


AN ENCOUNTER: CICM visits the Archdiocese of Makassar

The meeting of the CICM ASI Provincial Government, the Bishop, and the KAMS Curia (Archdiocese of Makassar) occurred on Monday, March 18, 2024, at the Archdiocese of Makassar office. His Excellency, Archbishop John Liku-Ada' was accompanied by the KAMS Curia: Fr. Joni Payuk, CICM, the Vicar General; Fr. I Made Markus Suma (Secretary and Chancellor); Fr. Junarto Timbang (Diocesan Treasurer); and the Chairman of the Evangelization Commission, Fr. Edy Kaniu: and Fr. Oslan Lewi, received the visit of the members of the ASI PG(Provincial Government).

Fr. Roger Nshono Mbanji, CICM, General Councilor, was accompanied by Fr. Antonius Harnoko, CICM, Provincial Superior of CICM ASIA Province, and Fr. Ronald Magbanua, CICM (Provincial Councilor). Additionally, Fr. Joni Payuk, CICM, a CICM Asia Provincial Government member, was appointed District Superior of Indonesia-Singapore in December 2023. Two CICM Asia Provincial Council members were absent because they were en route to Makassar. These members are Fr. Dominique Mukonda Kananga, CICM (Vice Provincial and District Superior of SM), and Fr. Rene Candelaria, CICM (District Superior of Japan). The Provincial Administration members, including Fr. Armando Romero, CICM (Provincial Secretary), and Fr. Peter Koh, CICM (Provincial Treasurer), were also in attendance during the meeting.

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The meeting took place in the visitors’ lounge of the Curia. With English as the means of communication, a warm and fraternal dialogue filled the meeting room. Bishop John warmly welcomed the CICM leadership and promptly introduced himself. After which, each member of the Curia and Commission Chairpersons and staff present introduced themselves. In response, the Provincial Superior also introduced himself, which was followed by introducing each member of the CICM present.

Father Roger Nshono Mbanji expressed gratitude during the meeting for the Bishop's and Local Clergy's continuous support of CICM's presence and missionary work in the Archdiocese. These efforts align closely with the visions of the Local Church. In addition, he was also grateful for the significant number of candidates from the Archdiocese who wanted to join the Congregation. It is a concrete sign of the local church's support to the Congregation.

Having this, Bishop John expressed that it was the fruit of the mission of the CICM that gave way to the birth and establishment of the Local Church now known as the Archdiocese of Makassar. CICM's decisive action in establishing the St. Peter Claver Secondary Seminary and directing seminarians who aspire to become priests toward the option of becoming Diocesan Priests of KAMS is a visionary policy. The CICM efforts and support for the education of Local clergy, which at present is gradually increasing and getting stronger, is an extraordinary and strategic policy for the life and development of the Local Church. The firm conviction of the CICM played a crucial role in ensuring that KAMS now has ordained personnel and exceptionally well-qualified diocesan priests.

Subsequently, the Bishop requested that Fr. Made, the Diocesan Secretary/Chancellor, provide a brief explanation of the Archdiocese's profile and history of the Archdiocese. Father Made provided a concise overview, stating that on April 13, 1937, the community in the southern region of Sulawesi was canonically established as an Apostolic Prefecture. Eleven years later, on May 13, 1948, its status was elevated to that of an Apostolic Vicariate.

Subsequently, when the Indonesian Church Hierarchy was established on January 3, 1961, this Apostolic Vicariate was further elevated to the status of an Archdiocese, known as the Archdiocese of Ujung Pandang. The first two Bishops were from the CICM Congregation: Msgr. Gerard Martens, CICM and Msgr. N.M. Schneiders, CICM.Following their tenure, pastoral care was carried on by Msgr. Theodorus Lumanauw. Subsequently, the pastoral relay continued under the leadership of Msgr. Frans van Roessel, CICM. After that, Msgr. John Liku-Ada' continues the noble task until today.

According to 2022 statistics, the Catholic population in KAMS numbered 160 thousand people. They are served by 139 Priests, including 114 Diocesan Priests and 25 Religious-Missionary Priests. KAMS hosts 6 Congregations of Priests, 8 Congregations of Sisters, and 2 Congregations of Brothers. This brief profile provides an overview of KAMS, which serves as one of the missionary sites for CICM missionaries.

The CICM Provincial shared details about several programs prepared by the Congregation and expressed hope for increased collaboration and closer cooperation with KAMS in the future. During this meeting, Father Harnoko, Provincial Superior, announced that the Provincial Council would convene for a three-day conference at the HSH ( Home Sweet Home) Makassar Residence.

The Bishop expressed support for CICM's presence, activities, and mission in building and developing the community within the KAMS region. A group photo session took place after the meeting, followed by lunch at the Bishop’s guesthouse.

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