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    André Kazadi Bakajika

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    armando romeroAndré Kazadi Bakajika, cicm
    Provincial Superior
    US Province


    • March 16, 1974: Born in Dibaya, Kasaï-Occidental, DR Congo.
    • 1993: Entered the novitiate at Mbudi, Kinshasa, DR Congo.
    • October 7 1994: First profession of vows.
    • 1994 - 1997: Studied Philosophy at the Philosophât Saint Augustin and at the Père Nkongolo Scholasticate in Kinshasa.
    • 1997: Sent to the United States of America to study English and Theology.
    • 1997 - 2003: Theology studies at Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX, and missionary internship.
    • August 19, 2001: Profession of Perpetual vows.
    • May 25, 2003: Ordination to the priesthood in McAllen, Texas.
    • 2003- 2006: Parish vicar at Saint Francis Xavier in La Feria and at Saint Mary's Church in Santa Rosa, TX.
    • 2006-2008: Parish priest of Saint Mary's Church in Santa Rosa, TX.
    • 2008 - 2014: Parish priest of Saint Patrick's Church in San Antonio, TX.
    • 2009-2012: Provincial Councilor of the Province of US.
    • 2012-2014: Vice-provincial of the US Province.
    • 2007- 2014: Member of the Finance and Investment Committee (US).
    • 2012-2014 : Master Degree in Administrative Management at the University of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX.
    • 2014: Appointed Assistant Treasurer General in Rome.
    • 2012-2015: Member of the General Finance Committee.
    • 2015-2017: General Councilor, Rome.
    • 2019-2024: Vice-Provincial and Director for Promotion of the US Province.
    • July 1, 2024: Provincial Superior of the US Province.