The vocation of brothers is gradually disappearing in CICM. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the candidates who request to be brothers are few; and on the other hand, they get discouraged and change their mind during or after their formation. One of the reasons would be that they do not see very clearly their place in a clerical Institute. Therefore, the General Chapter invites the confreres to avoid any clericalist attitude and to stress more our being religious missionary than being a priest.
Acts of the 15th CICM General Chapter, 2017
In this regard, the CICM General Government organizes the General Assembly of the CICM Brothers from August 14 to 20, 2022, in Rome. In his welcoming words, Charles Phukuta, our Superior General, stressed the contribution of the CICM Brothers to the CICM missions worldwide in the past. He then urged the participants to reflect on what we must cherish in living our CICM religious and missionary life and what to improve to boost Brothers' vocation in our Congregation. We thank Adorable Castillo, our Vicar General, for organizing the gathering, Ghislain H. Toussé (ACO), John Mallare (ACO) for their translation service, and all the speakers.