Germain Louwagie

Germain Louwagie

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Frederic Vital Mees smallGermain Louwagie (1933-2022)


Born in Poperinge (Belgium) on July 21, 1933
First vows on September 8, 1953
Ordained Priest on August 3, 1958
Missionary in the United States of America, the Dominican Republic,
Italy (Rome), Mexico, and Guatemala.
Died in Guatemala City  (Guatemala) on March 25, 2022, at the age of 88.

Germain is the third of seven children of Oscar Louwagie and Anna Vandewalle. He has two brothers and four sisters.

Germain was sent to the United States after receiving his priestly ordination. Germain entered a master’s degree program in theology at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Following completing his master’s degree, he was sent to the Dominican Republic, where he served as parochial vicar of Neiba Catholic Church in Neiba until 1964.

In 1964, Germain returned to the United States. For one year, he worked as a Socius at the CICM Novitiate in Arlington, Virginia, as a vocation director in Buffalo, New York, and as a Spiritual Director at the CICM Seminary in Washington, DC, for three years. Germain was a pastor at the Dolores Missions in the archdiocese of Los Angeles, California, and Saint Jude Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas. In 1979, he was appointed Provincial Superior of the US Province. Two years later, he was elected a member of the CICM General Government in Rome, Italy (1981-1987).

In 1989, he was transferred to the CICM Autonomous District of Mexico after spending a year on sabbatical in Berkeley, California. In Mexico City, he was the pastor of La Divina Providencia Parish. For many years, he served as a Councilor, Assistant Superior, and District Superior in the CICM Autonomous District Council of Mexico.

Germain was transferred to Guatemala in 2004 to become the Rector of the Provincial House in Guatemala. While serving as Rector of the Provincial House, the Archbishop of Santiago de Guatemala named him Chaplain of the Comunidades Católicas de San Pablo in 2006. He continued to serve that community until his death. Germain was also the Treasurer of the District of Guatemala from 2006 to 2018 and the Director of Interns from 2006 to 2009.

He became ill on August 15, 2021, after attending the Patron Saint’s Day celebration at Santa Maria de la Asunción Parish in Santa Maria Cauqué, Guatemala. The doctors determined that Germain would require 24-hour nursing care. That was the situation until February 15, 2022, when he tested positive for the coronavirus and was quarantined.

German had to deal with the coronavirus on top of his other illnesses. German was diagnosed with severe heart failure with acute pulmonary edema during his hospitalization. These were the illnesses that doctors attempted but failed to treat. He died in peace and serenity, surrounded by his friends and confreres. He loved the mission, and he died on the mission field!

German stated numerous times that he was sick and tired of all the invasive procedures and medications he had to take to stay alive. Many of us who visited him in the Centro Medico Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit saw him physically weak but mentally sharp. He could recall the names of a few confreres and other people. He would ask about our CICM community in Guatemala and the many friends he made over the years. He was concerned about who would preside over the Holy Eucharist for his beloved San Pablo community friends.

We will all miss this great missionary, priest, human being, brother, and friend to all. May he rest in peace.  

Guatemala CICM Community