Timothy W. Atkin

Timothy W. Atkin

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Frederic Vital Mees smallTimothy W. Atkin (1948-2022)

Born in Jackson (USA) on May 16, 1948
First vows on September 8, 1968
Ordained a priest on May 4, 1974
Missionary in Haiti, Mexico, Rome, and the USA.
Died in Arlington, Virginia (USA) on September 8, 2022,
at the age of 74.

On September 8, 2022, on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the 54th anniversary of his first vows, the good Lord called Timothy (Tim) to eternal life after a rich and fruitful life of service to the Church and the Congregation.

Tim was always a full-blooded Midwestern American, despite his deep interest in various world cultures, which he learned about by watching fascinating historical and cultural series on television from countries such as China and Russia. He was very proud of his English and Irish heritage and even mentioned a distant French ancestor.

Tim was a unique individual who combined a reserved personality with a sharp and humorous Irish wit. His apparent introverted demeanor concealed a creative, incisive, and fun-loving personality. Even on his hospital bed, three days before his death, he sang and made jokes.

On the other hand, Tim was a determined individual who began his missionary journey to Haiti on September 25, 1974. This would be the first of his several assignments. From 1983 to 1985, he was appointed Rector of the House of Studies in San Antonio, Texas. In late 1985, he returned to Haiti. He left for Mexico in 1989 to engage again in CICM formation work until 1992. He returned to Haiti in 1993, where he served as Provincial Treasurer from 1995 to 2000 before being appointed Provincial Superior of Haiti.

Tim was elected General Counselor of our Congregation from 2005 to 2011, the year he was elected Superior General from 2011 to 2017 in Rome, for his outstanding performance in his previous tasks.

Throughout all of this, Tim was always himself: modest, respectful, and kind-hearted. In 2017, he returned to the United States with a plan to retire at the US Provincial House at Missionhurst, where he volunteered to participate in various activities, especially during the Christmas season, creating a wonderland of decorations. Tim enjoyed doing this.

He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in 2021, despite not smoking. He fought valiantly and bravely through his illness. He never complained nor lamented his situation. Tim died peacefully in the arms of the Good Shepherd after receiving the Viaticum.

May he truly rest in peace for all his love and kindness. 

Ricardo Terga, CICM