Leo Wets

Leo Wets

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Leo WetsLeo Wets (1939-2024)

Born in Rhode-Saint-Genèse on April 23, 1939.
First vows May 1, 1958.
Missionary in Congo (Kasai) and Belgium.
Died in Torhout February 19, 2024, aged 84.

Leo was born in 1939 and the second of 10 children. He studied in the woodwork department at the technical school in Mechelen. At 17 and a half, he entered the novitiate in Zuun and took his first vows as a brother in 1958. This vocation suited Leo: he was gentle and humble of heart. Leo wanted to avoid standing out. All he wanted was to serve and be good.

Today's Gospel is very relevant to Leo's life. Jesus was in Galilee and met Philip. He said to him, “Come and follow Me.” Leo did the same and remained faithful to the Lord's call for over 60 years. Philip met Nathanael and told him about Jesus. When Jesus met Nathanael, He said, “Here is a true Israelite, someone who is always honest.” That was what Leo was: honest and transparent. Leo had nothing to hide.

After completing his novitiate, Léon was sent to Kortrijk, where he continued his training in construction and carpentry. At the age of 23, he was sent to Kasai Occidental in the Congo, where he spent 33 years. During his time there, he was primarily involved in building and caring for a large herd.

As a builder, he accomplished much, including constructing two churches and a social center and carrying out major renovations.

“I witnessed him working at the Lubunga mission alongside Antoon Desimpel, where they constructed a simple yet stunning mission station, a house, and a dispensary for the diocesan sisters. Leo was known for completing his buildings to perfection. In his final years in Congo, he was stationed at the provincial house in Kananga, where he was responsible for maintaining the buildings.”

In 1996, Leo returned to Belgium permanently to perform additional services, mainly painting the rooms of deceased confreres, and preparing them for new occupants. Leo worked until he turned 75 before he could spend more time with his family and hobbies. He enjoyed nature, birds, flowers, plants, and taking walks. Additionally, Leo was a passionate card player and philatelist. However, his greatest passion was soccer, and he was an ardent supporter of FC Mechelen.

In recent months, Leo was frequently admitted to the hospital. Unfortunately, he passed away on the night of February 18-19 at our home in Torhout. Leo was 84 years old and a kind and helpful religious man.

Lion, rest now in peace,

- Frans Van Humbeeck