Benjamin Ngulungu Badibanga

Benjamin Ngulungu Badibanga

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Willy Vanhaelewyn

Benjamin Ngulungu Badibanga (1963-2024)

Born in Kananga, D.R. Congo,
on January 10, 1963
First vows October 07, 1984
Ordained priest on June 30, 1996
Missionary in Belgium and D.R. Congo
Died in Kananga, on July 15, 2024,
at the age of 61


Benjamin was the second child of a large, profoundly Christian family. He enjoyed a good childhood in Mikalayi Saint Joseph, the cradle of CICM missionary evangelization in Kasai. And it was here that he undoubtedly nurtured the desire for missionary life in the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. After studying philosophy in Kinshasa and theology in Ngoya, Cameroon, Benjamin was appointed a missionary to Indonesia. He undertook his first missionary journey to Singapore in 1991 to study English before returning to his mission land. After studying the language, Benjamin had no luck at all in obtaining the Indonesian visa. So, he was diverted from Indonesia to southern Belgium, where he began his missionary internship. But it was only for a short time, as after three years, he was transferred to his home province of Kasaï.

It was in Kasai, finally, that he continued his internship, receiving ordination to the diaconate and then to the priesthood. Involved in parish ministry, he was successively parish priest in various parishes, from Saint Martin, Kananga to Tshikapa in the diocese of Luebo, then Mbuji-Mayi. In Tshikapa, Benjamin had terrible memories. He was the victim of armed bandits who almost took his life one morning. God willing, he came out alive but with a leg fractured by bullets. He lived with this handicap for the rest of his life. He never tired of recounting this unfortunate adventure. Also, in Mbuji-Mayi, he was the victim, this time, of a heart-attack. Because of this, Benjamin recovered only too briefly. Enthusiastic about continuing the mission, he was sent to South Africa. From South Africa, he returned permanently to his native Kasai.

Benjamin Ngulungu was a discreet, smiling man. Although weakened by his condition, he always asked for an appointment. Without fear of being mistaken, he loved the CICM mission with all his heart. He also welcomed young missionaries and was most often cheerful among confreres.

He gave his best to the one who had sent him, Jesus. He returned to the Father's house one morning, in total discretion, leaving his room wide open as if to say, "Here, brothers, don't look for me. I'm gone." Rest in peace, Benjamin. You have finished your race. May the Master of the harvest return to you the same favors with which you have served him all your life.

Jean Kanyinda Katumba  §

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