Jozef Vermoesen

Jozef Vermoesen

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Jozef Vermoesen

Jozef Vermoesen (1941-2024)

Born in Moorsel, Belgium
on July 24, 1941
Religious vows on June1, 1960
Missionary in Congo (Kinshasa) and Belgium

Died in Torhout
on November 15, 2024
at the age of 83


A Congolese confrere, who had visited many countries, declared: "Almost everywhere, books printed in France, England or Portugal are used for liturgy and catechesis. It's truly exceptional that in the Congo, we have many books in all fields, from health to spirituality, including comic strips and calendars, all written and printed in the Congo. This is an invaluable resource for the Church."

Scheut ran significant printing works in Kinshasa. It was here that Joseph - he insisted we call him Jef - served himself for twenty-six years. He and his employees maintained the machines so we could print throughout the year. As Jef stood behind his machines, he may never have realized how indispensable his work was. It was a time of innovation in the Church: new books for liturgy, catechesis, and religious instruction were needed. Printing was invaluable for missionary work. Thousands of books left the printing press, but the printers never came to the fore: Jef's name is not mentioned in any book. He worked in the shadows.

Jef could talk enthusiastically about this period of his life, but he always added: "I was just in front of the printing presses; I never had the opportunity to get a broader picture of the mission in Congo." When he met people who were surprised that he didn't know them, he would say that he didn't know many people: "I was always working."

After his return to Flanders in 1994, he remained a man in the shadows. For twenty-eight years, he was sent to various Scheut houses in Belgium and the Netherlands for all kinds of maintenance work. He first lived in Scheut, where he also served in the expedition procurement department. From 2001, he worked from Schilde. Between shifts in the houses, he could relax in the forest. Without realizing it, he was indispensable as a brother to our Congregation, which had large buildings to maintain all over the country.

At the end of 2023 - by which time he had reached the age of 82 - he retired to the Torhout community. But he did not rest for long: his health deteriorated day by day, and respiratory problems and confusion diminished his quality of life. He still made himself useful wherever possible by looking after his confreres who could only get around in wheelchairs.

He passed away peacefully in his room in Torhout late in the evening of Friday, November 15. We have lost a loyal and talented brother.  §

Quartier Arnold


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