The CICM Province of the Philippines (RP) held its Provincial Assembly from June 13 to 17, 2022, at the CICM Mission Center, Taytay, Rizal, in the Philippines.
The preparation of the 16th General Chapter (June 4–30, 2022, in Rome) was the primary purpose of the RP Provincial Assembly. The participants focused their discussion on the three memos on Spirituality, Reconciliation, and Interculturality produced by our General Government.
This Provincial Assembly also had the mission to elect the delegates and their substitutes to partake in the 2023 CICM General Chapter:
- The Delegates
1. Hirohito Jr. BOLO, Ex Officio
2. Gilbert Sales, 1st elected Delegate
3. Rex Salvilla, 2nd elected Delegate
4. Michel Tsiaku, 3rd elected Delegate
- The Substitutes
1. Rene Cabag, substitute, Ex Officio
2. Johannes Silalahi, 1st elected Substitute
3. Renillo Sta. Ana, 2nd Substitute elected
4. Sony Pierre, 3rd elected Substitute
The participants rejoiced in getting together and fostering the universal brotherhood in the Cor Unum et Anima Una (One Heart, One Soul) after missing each other due to the Covid-19 restrictions.
Therefore, after the Provincial Assembly, Confreres went home happy, hoping to have other gatherings as they contribute to a new start of planning, healing, and reconciliation. They recommended reviving moments of meetings with each other such as retreats, seminars, recollections, birthday celebrations, visits, and community outings, in order to live to the fullest our motto, namely the Cor Unum et Anima Una.