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    Chisankhwa: Not Alone in the Journey

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    Yogkim Kraeng Kirang

    Fr. Yogkim Kraeng Kirang, cicm
    Missionary in Malawi


    It has been three years since we established the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish – Chisankhwa. In May 2021, Fr. Aubrey Sumbukeni and I relocated to the priests' house in Chisankhwa parish. The past three years have been filled with many stories. Despite facing ups and downs, we continued our journey together, witnessing the Gospel in a Changing World (the theme of our last General Chapter) and extending the presence of the Kingdom of God here and now in Chisankhwa.

    As I contemplated the journey of Chisankhwa parish, I was interested in understanding the perspective of the Christians and discovering what steps we should take to enhance our parish in the future. I interviewed several parishioners, including an assistant catechist, a chairwoman of an outstation, and a choir member, to gain insight into their thoughts on Chisankhwa parish's journey. 

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    Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish - Chisankhwa


    Dominic Nkhata

    Nkhata has served as an assistant catechist for two years. He hails from a Catholic family and also serves as the headmaster of Kasisi Catholic Primary School. As an assistant catechist, he has observed a significant improvement in celebrating sacraments compared to previous years when it was challenging even to meet a priest once a year. The establishment of the parish in Chisankhwa has bolstered the faith of Christians, as many previously did not attend church, and Catholic prayer centers often remained empty on Sundays.

    Nkhata pointed out some significant concerns regarding the need for more guidance, leadership, and catechism among Christians. The visits of priests to outstations on Sundays have significantly impacted the faithful's religiosity. Previously, they did not know much about the sacraments in the Catholic church, but now, some people have asked for the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the Mass. It wasn't easy to call some people to attend the pastoral meetings. Later, many people were willing to participate in parish pastoral meetings because they wanted to know more about the Catholic faith and to improve their parish or outstation. 

    As a teacher, his primary concern is education. He believes that catechism should become an essential focus for the Chisankhwa parish in the near future. Good education is the foundation of good catechism, and some of our parishioners are uneducated. He appreciated what the Chisankhwa parish has done to establish the new St. Charles elementary school and repair and renovate other Catholic elementary schools in the parish.

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    Dominic Nkhata with his wife and last born daughter


    Mama Nalungwe

    Mama Nalungwe is the chairwoman of the Chisankhwa outstation. She was baptized in the Catholic Church in 2007. She observed that Chisankhwa was initially just a bush, but with the establishment of the Chisankhwa parish and mission, significant developments have taken place, including the creation of St. Charles Primary School and St. Cynthia Clinic, which have improved the area. Initially, many Christians didn't know how to respond to the presence of the parish. Previously, they only received a priest's visit once or twice a year. When the priests started living in Chisankhwa, the Christians were uncertain how to interact with them on a daily and weekly basis. It took some time for them to fully embrace their role as a parish. One challenge in the early months was providing support for the priest. They were initially apprehensive about having to do this every Sunday, as it used to happen only once or twice a year. However, with time, they started realizing that the parish's presence brought blessings and responsibilities.

    She shared two important areas that would need attention in our parish. Firstly, she highlighted the need for improved teamwork among parishioners in Chisankhwa. She suggested that the priest should give more attention to this issue to foster a stronger sense of unity and collaboration. Secondly, she emphasized the importance of additional catechism classes to deepen and nurture our Catholic faith. 

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    Mama Nalungwe (at the center) with her husband and nieces


    Gethu Mathilda

    Gethu Mathilda is a single mother with a daughter. Despite being unable to walk due to a physical disability, she is an active member of the parish choir and Legion of Mary. She was delighted when Chisankhwa became a parish, as she could attend and sing in the morning Mass. Singing during morning Mass holds special significance for her, reminding her of her time in a convent of sisters during her childhood.

    She mentioned that Christianity has grown in Chisankhwa since it became a parish. The Christian faith and community development in Chisankhwa have progressed more than she could have imagined. She has been thankful to God for the continuous presence of priests who have significantly impacted the lives of the people in Chisankhwa.

    She has earnestly hoped that the parish or mission would assist in building a new secondary school so that the future generation of Chisankhwa would receive a better education. She also expressed deep gratitude for the parish and mission's contributions to the Catholic faith and community development. However, the need for improvement in education in Chisankhwa is apparent, and any help from the parish and mission is genuinely appreciated.

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    Gethu Matilda


    Not Alone in the Journey

    After completing my interviews, hearing inspiring stories from some Christians was uplifting. The Chisankhwa parish and our presence have positively impacted their lives. Their acceptance and support have been furthering our mission. While we may not be able to provide them with much during our mission here, at least they know they are not alone in their journey toward the Kingdom of God.   §

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    Saint Charles Primary School - Chisankhwa