As CICM missionaries we love to be at the frontline of society, to answer to the needs of the people and to see, discern, and act with them. There are many fields in which we are active, such as parish life, education, youth ministry, inter religious dialogue, and so on.
Don’t Wait Until Tomorrow to Forgive
Yengo Germain, cicmMissionary in Belgium
The urgency of reconciliation is to live in peace today before resting in peace tomorrow.
Visit to CICM-CH
Antonius Harnoko, cicmMissionary in Japan
Since the beginning of its mandate in 2022, the Provincial Government of Asia has taken seriously the
Community is Mission
Alejandro Ulpindo, cicmMissionary in the Philippines
The following reflection is the summary of my 20 years of CICM journey from the postulancy
Kindling the Fire Calls for Renewal
Alejandro Ulpindo, cicmMissionary in the Philippines
Nine years after Vatican II, our Congregation held its 8th General Chapter in Albano, focusing on
Missionary Venture in Boula-Ibib
Fr. Amos Onézaire, cicmSecretary General
"Do we have the courage to start new missionary ventures?". The 15th CICM General Chapter challenged us
Chisankhwa: Not Alone in the Journey
Fr. Yogkim Kraeng Kirang, cicmMissionary in Malawi
It has been three years since we established the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish –