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    New CICM Archbishop, Félicien Ntambue Kasembe

    New CICM Archbishop, Félicien Ntambue Kasembe

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    After his appointment on March 19, 2024 as Archbishop of Kananga, on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, protector of the Holy Family and patron Archdiocese, this date is now symbolic for Mgr. for Bishop Félicien Ntambue Kasembe: father of the Archdiocese and shepherd protector of the flock.

    Two months later, on the solemnity of Pentecost, May 19, 2024, another symbolic date: the birth of the Church and the beginning of a ministry under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, Mgr Félicien Ntambue Kasembe, CICM, is installed as the new Archbishop of Kananga. He thus becomes the 5th Archbishop in this Metropolitan See.

    Félicien Ntambue Kasembe


    On June 29, 2024, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Mgr Félicien Ntambue Kasembe, CICM received the Pallium from Pope Francis during the Holy Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy. Note: The pope wears the pallium. The pallium symbolizes the plenitudo pontificalis officii (i.e. the plenitude of pontifical office). The pallium worn by archbishops represents their participation in the supreme pastoral power of the pope, who concedes it to them for their proper church provinces. (Catholic Encyclopedia)