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    Ongoing Formation is an indispensable condition for sustaining oneself. Our Constitutions emphasize that: “Ongoing formation is an integral part of our daily lives. It demands a deepening of our spiritual life, an updating of our missionary attitudes and regular study… Each one of us carries the primary responsibility for his own ongoing formation” (Const., Art. 78). Let us also remember these words from Paul to Timothy: “I remind you to stir into flame the gift of god that you have through the imposition of my hands” (2 Tim. 1:6).

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    As CICM missionaries we love to be at the frontline of society, to answer to the needs of the people and to see, discern, and act with them. There are many fields in which we are active, such as parish life, education, youth ministry, inter religious dialogue, and so on.

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    The Church strives since her beginning for peace and justice. Only lately the Wholeness of Creation has been added to this because of its necessity in the world of today. These themes are therefore also our themes as CICM and we try to implement them whereever we work.